Sonntag, 1. April 2012

Treasures from the flea market.

Hey folks..
I have been to the flea market in my town. I spot loads of nice things but way to expensive for my purse this time. I also saw loads of things I find really controverse. If you go on an vintage sale in germany there are always people who sell things from the second world war. I don't really like it and the people who sell it.
But I got some nice bits. I found a really nice picture of a bunny or rabbit (it's up to you how to call it). It was just 3€ I totally love the frame.

There are one thing I bought on the market. Its a teacup with a nice floral pattern. I got it for 6€. I totally looove it.

13 Kommentare:

  1. OMG die Tasse und die Tellerchen sind ja so unglaublich süß <3

  2. That tea cup in beautiful, love the sweet pattern on it :)


  3. cute finds!! i wanted to go to a fleas market on saturday but didn't have time after all... :(
    following you, x

  4. Wundervolle Sachen hast du gekauft, ich liebe das Geschirr!!
    Danke für's Verfolgen, ich werde dir auch folgen...
    Der Salat ist von Pret a Manger, super lecker, genau wie alles andere dort :D
    Liebe Grüße<3

  5. Is that a teacup with two tiers? Amazing!

  6. That teacup is really cute! I got a similar one in a charity shop recently but my books fell over and smashed the saucer the other day :(. But the cup is ok! I thought that I was already following your blog, I'm glad I realised I wasn't as it's lovely and I was missing out! :)

    Laila x

  7. I love this china set. I'm always looking for sets like these, great find :)
