Samstag, 14. April 2012

London: Brick Lane Market and Greenwich Market

Hey folks...
Second Impression of my London Trip. We went to Brick Lane Backyard market. It was awesome. The best thing was that the woman we stayed at, had a market stall there. She sell some really glamorous jewelry. She gave me 2 rings, which i totally love. I also bought 2 dresses, which i want to show you later. There was a really nice oriental food stand where me and my boyfriend had lunch. It was really tasty.

There is also a thing called 'The Tea Rooms' and it was like paradise for me. Its kind of a huge vintage store with lots of different sellers. In one corner they sell porcelaine in the other old cameras. Sadly that we traveled with hand luggage so I couldn't buy anything. But it was so so so nice.

The day before we went to Greenwich Market. It's a bit different to the Brick Lane Market there are more people who sell more selfmade stuff. Like tablecloth and other stuff. But one Seller caught my attention. A jewelry stand. The woman made necklaces out of leather. I bought one necklace with hearts.


  • there are a many many many of vintag stores. but I prefer the one with a nice looking and a good smell. if it smells like death i would keep out.
  • you have to be careful. check twice if the thing (clothes/homeware/camera) you are wanted to buy is okay.
  • not all shops allow you to take photographs, if you are unsure ask (!)
  • you don't have to pay the price which is signed on the clothes/homeware/camera you can always bargain.

5 Kommentare:

  1. Looks so cool! Glad you had a good time XO!

  2. How I wish I can visit brick lane market, so many lovely things.

  3. Nice photos! I haven't been to Brick Lane in ages - I usually tend to go to Camden as it's cheaper but I'm getting bored of it, so next time I think I will go to Brick Lane!

    Laila x

    1. I know camden is cheaper but i think brick lane is more authentic. I think camden has change very much. But I think next time i will go to camden again. :)

  4. Super cool, dass du ein paar Empfehlungen für London hast!
    Ich fliege selbst in knapp 6 Wochen hin und halte mich dann gern an deine Tipps ;)

    Gelbgoldige Grüße, Sam
