Samstag, 18. Februar 2012

My Teatime

hey folks..
today I want to share my favorite teas with you, I really like to enjoy a nice cup of tea. I like almost ever kind of tea. 

Here are six of my all time favorite tea flavours. The first one is an apple tea from westcliff, germans you can get it from the discount shop aldi. Its a pretty nice and sweet fruit tea. The second one is a hibiskus flower tea, this tea is my all time favorite it taste pretty sweet but also a bit harsh. I always drink a cup of earl grey in the morning, i like the smell. I use to put a lot of sugar in it because its way to bitter for my taste. You can get it from several brands. The turkish apple tea is not as sweet as the first apple tea. I do not drink this tea often, but sometimes I just want a nice pot of this tea. Oh the fifth one is a strawberry and raspberry fruit tea its called sweet kiss from teekanne. This tea is soooo sweet I like to drink this tea instead of a cup of hot chocolate. The last one is something special, its a lemon and pepper tea it comes in pyramid tea bags. It looks really pretty and tastes really special. The lemon gives it a fresh taste and the pepper makes it kind of spicy.

I drink my tea:
- everytime with two or three spoons of sugar
- not hot but warm
-sometimes with milk (just the earl grey)

3 Kommentare:

  1. Oh, ich liebe die Idee mit den Tees!

  2. Danke danke ♥ dein blog gefällt mir auch seehr gut!
    ich bin gleich leser geworden :) werde es dauch auch bei mir
    liebste grüße :-*
