Samstag, 10. März 2012

DIY: Growing your own Rocket

Hey folks..
I love herbs. I have no garden and no balcony so I have to grow my herbs at my window. I already grow basil, coriander and thyme.
I got these from Ikea Herb Growing Set. It grows very well.  Today I want to grow rocket. I didn't have any planting pots so I decided to try a coffee-to-go-cup. Maybe it works
1. You need Rocket Seeds I got them from a Gardening Store, then you need a planting ground I used some coconut swelling tablets I think they are good for this. And at least I use a coffee-to-go-cup but an old can will do it too.
2. I put the ground in the cup.
3. I put the seeds in it, afterwards I put another layer of ground over it and pour a little water over it.
4. Now I have to wait to see some results. I will show you the results soon :)

At least another picture from my little window garden :)

3 Kommentare:

  1. hihi..i love your windwo garden!!! ;))

  2. i think will grow very stylish in a coffe cup! I planted my peppers in a mug, but they grew too much, so i took them to my boyfriend's garden.Now it's full of small white flowers!
